#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2014, Jelmer Tiete . # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Implementation based on stm32loader by Ivan A-R # Serial boot loader over UART for CC13xx / CC2538 / CC26xx # Based on the info found in TI's swru333a.pdf (spma029.pdf) # # Bootloader only starts if no valid image is found or if boot loader # backdoor is enabled. # Make sure you don't lock yourself out!! (enable backdoor in your firmware) # More info at https://github.com/JelmerT/cc2538-bsl from __future__ import print_function from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys import getopt import glob import time import os import struct import binascii import traceback try: import magic have_magic = True except ImportError: have_magic = False try: from intelhex import IntelHex have_hex_support = True except ImportError: have_hex_support = False # version VERSION_STRING = "2.1" # Verbose level QUIET = 5 # Check which version of Python is running PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) try: import serial except ImportError: print('{} requires the Python serial library'.format(sys.argv[0])) print('Please install it with one of the following:') print('') if PY3: print(' Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python3-serial') print(' Mac: sudo port install py34-serial') else: print(' Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-serial') print(' Mac: sudo port install py-serial') sys.exit(1) def mdebug(level, message, attr='\n'): if QUIET >= level: print(message, end=attr, file=sys.stderr) # Takes chip IDs (obtained via Get ID command) to human-readable names CHIP_ID_STRS = {0xb964: 'CC2538', 0xb965: 'CC2538' } RETURN_CMD_STRS = {0x40: 'Success', 0x41: 'Unknown command', 0x42: 'Invalid command', 0x43: 'Invalid address', 0x44: 'Flash fail' } COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS = 0x40 COMMAND_RET_UNKNOWN_CMD = 0x41 COMMAND_RET_INVALID_CMD = 0x42 COMMAND_RET_INVALID_ADR = 0x43 COMMAND_RET_FLASH_FAIL = 0x44 class CmdException(Exception): pass class FirmwareFile(object): HEX_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('hex', 'ihx', 'ihex') def __init__(self, path): """ Read a firmware file and store its data ready for device programming. This class will try to guess the file type if python-magic is available. If python-magic indicates a plain text file, and if IntelHex is available, then the file will be treated as one of Intel HEX format. In all other cases, the file will be treated as a raw binary file. In both cases, the file's contents are stored in bytes for subsequent usage to program a device or to perform a crc check. Parameters: path -- A str with the path to the firmware file. Attributes: bytes: A bytearray with firmware contents ready to send to the device """ self._crc32 = None firmware_is_hex = False if have_magic: file_type = bytearray(magic.from_file(path, True)) # from_file() returns bytes with PY3, str with PY2. This comparison # will be True in both cases""" if file_type == b'text/plain': firmware_is_hex = True mdebug(5, "Firmware file: Intel Hex") elif file_type == b'application/octet-stream': mdebug(5, "Firmware file: Raw Binary") else: error_str = "Could not determine firmware type. Magic " \ "indicates '%s'" % (file_type) raise CmdException(error_str) else: if os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:] in self.HEX_FILE_EXTENSIONS: firmware_is_hex = True mdebug(5, "Your firmware looks like an Intel Hex file") else: mdebug(5, "Cannot auto-detect firmware filetype: Assuming .bin") mdebug(10, "For more solid firmware type auto-detection, install " "python-magic.") mdebug(10, "Please see the readme for more details.") if firmware_is_hex: if have_hex_support: self.bytes = bytearray(IntelHex(path).tobinarray()) return else: error_str = "Firmware is Intel Hex, but the IntelHex library " \ "could not be imported.\n" \ "Install IntelHex in site-packages or program " \ "your device with a raw binary (.bin) file.\n" \ "Please see the readme for more details." raise CmdException(error_str) with open(path, 'rb') as f: self.bytes = bytearray(f.read()) def crc32(self): """ Return the crc32 checksum of the firmware image Return: The firmware's CRC32, ready for comparison with the CRC returned by the ROM bootloader's COMMAND_CRC32 """ if self._crc32 is None: self._crc32 = binascii.crc32(bytearray(self.bytes)) & 0xffffffff return self._crc32 class CommandInterface(object): ACK_BYTE = 0xCC NACK_BYTE = 0x33 def open(self, aport='/dev/tty.usbserial-000013FAB', abaudrate=500000): self.sp = serial.Serial( port=aport, baudrate=abaudrate, # baudrate bytesize=8, # number of databits parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=1, xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control rtscts=0, # disable RTS/CTS flow control timeout=0.5 # set a timeout value, None for waiting # forever ) def invoke_bootloader(self, dtr_active_high=False, inverted=False): # Use the DTR and RTS lines to control bootloader and the !RESET pin. # This can automatically invoke the bootloader without the user # having to toggle any pins. # # If inverted is False (default): # DTR: connected to the bootloader pin # RTS: connected to !RESET # If inverted is True, pin connections are the other way round if inverted: set_bootloader_pin = self.sp.setRTS set_reset_pin = self.sp.setDTR else: set_bootloader_pin = self.sp.setDTR set_reset_pin = self.sp.setRTS set_bootloader_pin(1 if not dtr_active_high else 0) set_reset_pin(0) set_reset_pin(1) set_reset_pin(0) # Make sure the pin is still asserted when the chip # comes out of reset. This fixes an issue where # there wasn't enough delay here on Mac. time.sleep(0.002) set_bootloader_pin(0 if not dtr_active_high else 1) # Some boards have a co-processor that detects this sequence here and # then drives the main chip's BSL enable and !RESET pins. Depending on # board design and co-processor behaviour, the !RESET pin may get # asserted after we have finished the sequence here. In this case, we # need a small delay so as to avoid trying to talk to main chip before # it has actually entered its bootloader mode. # # See contiki-os/contiki#1533 time.sleep(0.1) def close(self): self.sp.close() def _wait_for_ack(self, info="", timeout=1): stop = time.time() + timeout got = bytearray(2) while got[-2] != 00 or got[-1] not in (CommandInterface.ACK_BYTE, CommandInterface.NACK_BYTE): got += self._read(1) if time.time() > stop: raise CmdException("Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after '%s'" % (info,)) # Our bytearray's length is: 2 initial bytes + 2 bytes for the ACK/NACK # plus a possible N-4 additional (buffered) bytes mdebug(10, "Got %d additional bytes before ACK/NACK" % (len(got) - 4,)) # wait for ask ask = got[-1] if ask == CommandInterface.ACK_BYTE: # ACK return 1 elif ask == CommandInterface.NACK_BYTE: # NACK mdebug(10, "Target replied with a NACK during %s" % info) return 0 # Unknown response mdebug(10, "Unrecognised response 0x%x to %s" % (ask, info)) return 0 def _encode_addr(self, addr): byte3 = (addr >> 0) & 0xFF byte2 = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF byte1 = (addr >> 16) & 0xFF byte0 = (addr >> 24) & 0xFF if PY3: return bytes([byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3]) else: return (chr(byte0) + chr(byte1) + chr(byte2) + chr(byte3)) def _decode_addr(self, byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3): return ((byte3 << 24) | (byte2 << 16) | (byte1 << 8) | (byte0 << 0)) def _calc_checks(self, cmd, addr, size): return ((sum(bytearray(self._encode_addr(addr))) + sum(bytearray(self._encode_addr(size))) + cmd) & 0xFF) def _write(self, data, is_retry=False): if PY3: if type(data) == int: assert data < 256 goal = 1 written = self.sp.write(bytes([data])) elif type(data) == bytes or type(data) == bytearray: goal = len(data) written = self.sp.write(data) else: raise CmdException("Internal Error. Bad data type: {}" .format(type(data))) else: if type(data) == int: assert data < 256 goal = 1 written = self.sp.write(chr(data)) else: goal = len(data) written = self.sp.write(data) if written < goal: mdebug(10, "*** Only wrote {} of target {} bytes" .format(written, goal)) if is_retry and written == 0: raise CmdException("Failed to write data on the serial bus") mdebug(10, "*** Retrying write for remainder") if type(data) == int: return self._write(data, is_retry=True) else: return self._write(data[written:], is_retry=True) def _read(self, length): return bytearray(self.sp.read(length)) def sendAck(self): self._write(0x00) self._write(0xCC) return def sendNAck(self): self._write(0x00) self._write(0x33) return def receivePacket(self): # stop = time.time() + 5 # got = None # while not got: got = self._read(2) # if time.time() > stop: # break # if not got: # raise CmdException("No response to %s" % info) size = got[0] # rcv size chks = got[1] # rcv checksum data = bytearray(self._read(size - 2)) # rcv data mdebug(10, "*** received %x bytes" % size) if chks == sum(data) & 0xFF: self.sendAck() return data else: self.sendNAck() # TODO: retry receiving! raise CmdException("Received packet checksum error") return 0 def sendSynch(self): cmd = 0x55 # flush serial input buffer for first ACK reception self.sp.flushInput() mdebug(10, "*** sending synch sequence") self._write(cmd) # send U self._write(cmd) # send U return self._wait_for_ack("Synch (0x55 0x55)", 2) def checkLastCmd(self): stat = self.cmdGetStatus() if not (stat): raise CmdException("No response from target on status request. " "(Did you disable the bootloader?)") if stat[0] == COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS: mdebug(10, "Command Successful") return 1 else: stat_str = RETURN_CMD_STRS.get(stat[0], None) if stat_str is None: mdebug(0, "Warning: unrecognized status returned " "0x%x" % stat[0]) else: mdebug(0, "Target returned: 0x%x, %s" % (stat[0], stat_str)) return 0 def cmdPing(self): cmd = 0x20 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Ping command (0x20)") if self._wait_for_ack("Ping (0x20)"): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdReset(self): cmd = 0x25 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Reset command (0x25)") if self._wait_for_ack("Reset (0x25)"): return 1 def cmdGetChipId(self): cmd = 0x28 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** GetChipId command (0x28)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get ChipID (0x28)"): # 4 byte answ, the 2 LSB hold chip ID version = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): assert len(version) == 4, ("Unreasonable chip " "id: %s" % repr(version)) mdebug(10, " Version 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(version)) chip_id = (version[2] << 8) | version[3] return chip_id else: raise CmdException("GetChipID (0x28) failed") def cmdGetStatus(self): cmd = 0x23 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** GetStatus command (0x23)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get Status (0x23)"): stat = self.receivePacket() return stat def cmdSetXOsc(self): cmd = 0x29 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** SetXOsc command (0x29)") if self._wait_for_ack("SetXOsc (0x29)"): return 1 # UART speed (needs) to be changed! def cmdRun(self, addr): cmd = 0x22 lng = 7 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 0)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr mdebug(10, "*** Run command(0x22)") return 1 def cmdEraseMemory(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x26 lng = 11 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** Erase command(0x26)") if self._wait_for_ack("Erase memory (0x26)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdBankErase(self): cmd = 0x2C lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd mdebug(10, "*** Bank Erase command(0x2C)") if self._wait_for_ack("Bank Erase (0x2C)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdCRC32(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x27 lng = 11 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** CRC32 command(0x27)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get CRC32 (0x27)", 1): crc = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return self._decode_addr(crc[3], crc[2], crc[1], crc[0]) def cmdCRC32CC26xx(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x27 lng = 15 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size self._write(self._encode_addr(0x00000000)) # send number of reads mdebug(10, "*** CRC32 command(0x27)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get CRC32 (0x27)", 1): crc = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return self._decode_addr(crc[3], crc[2], crc[1], crc[0]) def cmdDownload(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x21 lng = 11 if (size % 4) != 0: # check for invalid data lengths raise Exception('Invalid data size: %i. ' 'Size must be a multiple of 4.' % size) self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** Download command (0x21)") if self._wait_for_ack("Download (0x21)", 2): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdSendData(self, data): cmd = 0x24 lng = len(data)+3 # TODO: check total size of data!! max 252 bytes! self._write(lng) # send size self._write((sum(bytearray(data))+cmd) & 0xFF) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(bytearray(data)) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Send Data (0x24)") if self._wait_for_ack("Send data (0x24)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdMemRead(self, addr): # untested cmd = 0x2A lng = 8 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 4)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(4) # send width, 4 bytes mdebug(10, "*** Mem Read (0x2A)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Read (0x2A)", 1): data = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): # self._decode_addr(ord(data[3]), # ord(data[2]),ord(data[1]),ord(data[0])) return data def cmdMemReadCC26xx(self, addr): cmd = 0x2A lng = 9 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 2)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(1) # send width, 4 bytes self._write(1) # send number of reads mdebug(10, "*** Mem Read (0x2A)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Read (0x2A)", 1): data = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return data def cmdMemWrite(self, addr, data, width): # untested # TODO: check width for 1 or 4 and data size cmd = 0x2B lng = 10 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 0)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(bytearray(data)) # send data self._write(width) # send width, 4 bytes mdebug(10, "*** Mem write (0x2B)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Write (0x2B)", 2): return self.checkLastCmd() # Complex commands section def writeMemory(self, addr, data): lng = len(data) # amount of data bytes transferred per packet (theory: max 252 + 3) trsf_size = 248 empty_packet = bytearray((0xFF,) * trsf_size) # Boot loader enable check # TODO: implement check for all chip sizes & take into account partial # firmware uploads if (lng == 524288): # check if file is for 512K model # check the boot loader enable bit (only for 512K model) if not ((data[524247] & (1 << 4)) >> 4): if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("The boot loader backdoor is not enabled " "in the firmware you are about to write " "to the target. You will NOT be able to " "reprogram the target using this tool if " "you continue! " "Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') mdebug(5, "Writing %(lng)d bytes starting at address 0x%(addr)08X" % {'lng': lng, 'addr': addr}) offs = 0 addr_set = 0 # check if amount of remaining data is less then packet size while lng > trsf_size: # skip packets filled with 0xFF if data[offs:offs+trsf_size] != empty_packet: if addr_set != 1: # set starting address if not set self.cmdDownload(addr, lng) addr_set = 1 mdebug(5, " Write %(len)d bytes at 0x%(addr)08X" % {'addr': addr, 'len': trsf_size}, '\r') sys.stdout.flush() # send next data packet self.cmdSendData(data[offs:offs+trsf_size]) else: # skipped packet, address needs to be set addr_set = 0 offs = offs + trsf_size addr = addr + trsf_size lng = lng - trsf_size mdebug(5, "Write %(len)d bytes at 0x%(addr)08X" % {'addr': addr, 'len': lng}) self.cmdDownload(addr, lng) return self.cmdSendData(data[offs:offs+lng]) # send last data packet class Chip(object): def __init__(self, command_interface): self.command_interface = command_interface # Some defaults. The child can override. self.flash_start_addr = 0x00000000 self.has_cmd_set_xosc = False def crc(self, address, size): return getattr(self.command_interface, self.crc_cmd)(address, size) def disable_bootloader(self): if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("Disabling the bootloader will prevent you from " "using this script until you re-enable the " "bootloader using JTAG. Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if PY3: pattern = struct.pack('> 4 if 0 < self.size <= 4: self.size *= 0x20000 # in bytes else: self.size = 0x10000 # in bytes self.bootloader_address = self.flash_start_addr + self.size - ccfg_len sram = (((model[2] << 8) | model[3]) & 0x380) >> 7 sram = (2 - sram) << 3 if sram <= 1 else 32 # in KB pg = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead(FLASH_CTRL_DIECFG2) pg_major = (pg[2] & 0xF0) >> 4 if pg_major == 0: pg_major = 1 pg_minor = pg[2] & 0x0F ti_oui = bytearray([0x00, 0x12, 0x4B]) ieee_addr = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead( addr_ieee_address_primary) ieee_addr_end = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead( addr_ieee_address_primary + 4) if ieee_addr[:3] == ti_oui: ieee_addr += ieee_addr_end else: ieee_addr = ieee_addr_end + ieee_addr mdebug(5, "CC2538 PG%d.%d: %dKB Flash, %dKB SRAM, CCFG at 0x%08X" % (pg_major, pg_minor, self.size >> 10, sram, self.bootloader_address)) mdebug(5, "Primary IEEE Address: %s" % (':'.join('%02X' % x for x in ieee_addr))) def erase(self): mdebug(5, "Erasing %s bytes starting at address 0x%08X" % (self.size, self.flash_start_addr)) return self.command_interface.cmdEraseMemory(self.flash_start_addr, self.size) def read_memory(self, addr): # CC2538's COMMAND_MEMORY_READ sends each 4-byte number in inverted # byte order compared to what's written on the device data = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead(addr) return bytearray([data[x] for x in range(3, -1, -1)]) class CC26xx(Chip): # Class constants MISC_CONF_1 = 0x500010A0 PROTO_MASK_BLE = 0x01 PROTO_MASK_IEEE = 0x04 PROTO_MASK_BOTH = 0x05 def __init__(self, command_interface): super(CC26xx, self).__init__(command_interface) self.bootloader_dis_val = 0x00000000 self.crc_cmd = "cmdCRC32CC26xx" ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID = 0x50001318 FCFG_USER_ID = 0x50001294 PRCM_RAMHWOPT = 0x40082250 FLASH_SIZE = 0x4003002C addr_ieee_address_primary = 0x500012F0 ccfg_len = 88 ieee_address_secondary_offset = 0x20 bootloader_dis_offset = 0x30 sram = "Unknown" # Determine CC13xx vs CC26xx via ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID::WAFER_ID and store # PG revision device_id = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID) wafer_id = (((device_id[3] & 0x0F) << 16) + (device_id[2] << 8) + (device_id[1] & 0xF0)) >> 4 pg_rev = (device_id[3] & 0xF0) >> 4 # Read FCFG1_USER_ID to get the package and supported protocols user_id = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(FCFG_USER_ID) package = {0x00: '4x4mm', 0x01: '5x5mm', 0x02: '7x7mm'}.get(user_id[2] & 0x03, "Unknown") protocols = user_id[1] >> 4 # We can now detect the exact device if wafer_id == 0xB99A: chip = self._identify_cc26xx(pg_rev, protocols) elif wafer_id == 0xB9BE: chip = self._identify_cc13xx(pg_rev, protocols) # Read flash size, calculate and store bootloader disable address self.size = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( FLASH_SIZE)[0] * 4096 self.bootloader_address = self.size - ccfg_len + bootloader_dis_offset self.addr_ieee_address_secondary = (self.size - ccfg_len + ieee_address_secondary_offset) # RAM size ramhwopt_size = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( PRCM_RAMHWOPT)[0] & 3 if ramhwopt_size == 3: sram = "20KB" elif ramhwopt_size == 2: sram = "16KB" else: sram = "Unknown" # Primary IEEE address. Stored with the MSB at the high address ieee_addr = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( addr_ieee_address_primary + 4)[::-1] ieee_addr += self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( addr_ieee_address_primary)[::-1] mdebug(5, "%s (%s): %dKB Flash, %s SRAM, CCFG.BL_CONFIG at 0x%08X" % (chip, package, self.size >> 10, sram, self.bootloader_address)) mdebug(5, "Primary IEEE Address: %s" % (':'.join('%02X' % x for x in ieee_addr))) def _identify_cc26xx(self, pg, protocols): chips_dict = { CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE: 'CC2630', CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BLE: 'CC2640', CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BOTH: 'CC2650', } chip_str = chips_dict.get(protocols & CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BOTH, "Unknown") if pg == 1: pg_str = "PG1.0" elif pg == 3: pg_str = "PG2.0" elif pg == 7: pg_str = "PG2.1" elif pg == 8: rev_minor = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( CC26xx.MISC_CONF_1)[0] if rev_minor == 0xFF: rev_minor = 0x00 pg_str = "PG2.%d" % (2 + rev_minor,) return "%s %s" % (chip_str, pg_str) def _identify_cc13xx(self, pg, protocols): chip_str = "CC1310" if protocols & CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE == CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE: chip_str = "CC1350" if pg == 0: pg_str = "PG1.0" elif pg == 2: rev_minor = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( CC26xx.MISC_CONF_1)[0] if rev_minor == 0xFF: rev_minor = 0x00 pg_str = "PG2.%d" % (rev_minor,) return "%s %s" % (chip_str, pg_str) def erase(self): mdebug(5, "Erasing all main bank flash sectors") return self.command_interface.cmdBankErase() def read_memory(self, addr): # CC26xx COMMAND_MEMORY_READ returns contents in the same order as # they are stored on the device return self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(addr) def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"): valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(question + prompt) if PY3: choice = input().lower() else: choice = raw_input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n") # Convert the entered IEEE address into an integer def parse_ieee_address(inaddr): try: return int(inaddr, 16) except ValueError: # inaddr is not a hex string, look for other formats if ':' in inaddr: bytes = inaddr.split(':') elif '-' in inaddr: bytes = inaddr.split('-') if len(bytes) != 8: raise ValueError("Supplied IEEE address does not contain 8 bytes") addr = 0 for i, b in zip(range(8), bytes): try: addr += int(b, 16) << (56-(i*8)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("IEEE address contains invalid bytes") return addr def print_version(): # Get the version using "git describe". try: p = Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--match', '[0-9]*'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.stderr.close() line = p.stdout.readlines()[0] version = line.strip() except: # We're not in a git repo, or git failed, use fixed version string. version = VERSION_STRING print('%s %s' % (sys.argv[0], version)) def usage(): print("""Usage: %s [-DhqVfewvr] [-l length] [-p port] [-b baud] [-a addr] \ [-i addr] [--bootloader-active-high] [--bootloader-invert-lines] [file.bin] -h, --help This help -q Quiet -V Verbose -f Force operation(s) without asking any questions -e Erase (full) -w Write -v Verify (CRC32 check) -r Read -l length Length of read -p port Serial port (default: first USB-like port in /dev) -b baud Baud speed (default: 500000) -a addr Target address -i, --ieee-address addr Set the secondary 64 bit IEEE address --bootloader-active-high Use active high signals to enter bootloader --bootloader-invert-lines Inverts the use of RTS and DTR to enter bootloader -D, --disable-bootloader After finishing, disable the bootloader --version Print script version Examples: ./%s -e -w -v example/main.bin ./%s -e -w -v --ieee-address 00:12:4b:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee example/main.bin """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) if __name__ == "__main__": conf = { 'port': 'auto', 'baud': 500000, 'force_speed': 0, 'address': None, 'force': 0, 'erase': 0, 'write': 0, 'verify': 0, 'read': 0, 'len': 0x80000, 'fname': '', 'ieee_address': 0, 'bootloader_active_high': False, 'bootloader_invert_lines': False, 'disable-bootloader': 0 } # http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/lib/module-getopt.html try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "DhqVfewvrp:b:a:l:i:", ['help', 'ieee-address=', 'disable-bootloader', 'bootloader-active-high', 'bootloader-invert-lines', 'version']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(str(err)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o == '-V': QUIET = 10 elif o == '-q': QUIET = 0 elif o == '-h' or o == '--help': usage() sys.exit(0) elif o == '-f': conf['force'] = 1 elif o == '-e': conf['erase'] = 1 elif o == '-w': conf['write'] = 1 elif o == '-v': conf['verify'] = 1 elif o == '-r': conf['read'] = 1 elif o == '-p': conf['port'] = a elif o == '-b': conf['baud'] = eval(a) conf['force_speed'] = 1 elif o == '-a': conf['address'] = eval(a) elif o == '-l': conf['len'] = eval(a) elif o == '-i' or o == '--ieee-address': conf['ieee_address'] = str(a) elif o == '--bootloader-active-high': conf['bootloader_active_high'] = True elif o == '--bootloader-invert-lines': conf['bootloader_invert_lines'] = True elif o == '-D' or o == '--disable-bootloader': conf['disable-bootloader'] = 1 elif o == '--version': print_version() sys.exit(0) else: assert False, "Unhandled option" try: # Sanity checks # check for input/output file if conf['write'] or conf['read'] or conf['verify']: try: args[0] except: raise Exception('No file path given.') if conf['write'] and conf['read']: if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("You are reading and writing to the same " "file. This will overwrite your input file. " "Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if conf['erase'] and conf['read'] and not conf['write']: if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("You are about to erase your target before " "reading. Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if conf['read'] and not conf['write'] and conf['verify']: raise Exception('Verify after read not implemented.') if conf['len'] < 0: raise Exception('Length must be positive but %d was provided' % (conf['len'],)) # Try and find the port automatically if conf['port'] == 'auto': ports = [] # Get a list of all USB-like names in /dev for name in ['tty.usbserial', 'ttyUSB', 'tty.usbmodem', 'tty.SLAB_USBtoUART']: ports.extend(glob.glob('/dev/%s*' % name)) ports = sorted(ports) if ports: # Found something - take it conf['port'] = ports[0] else: raise Exception('No serial port found.') cmd = CommandInterface() cmd.open(conf['port'], conf['baud']) cmd.invoke_bootloader(conf['bootloader_active_high'], conf['bootloader_invert_lines']) mdebug(5, "Opening port %(port)s, baud %(baud)d" % {'port': conf['port'], 'baud': conf['baud']}) if conf['write'] or conf['verify']: mdebug(5, "Reading data from %s" % args[0]) firmware = FirmwareFile(args[0]) mdebug(5, "Connecting to target...") if not cmd.sendSynch(): raise CmdException("Can't connect to target. Ensure boot loader " "is started. (no answer on synch sequence)") # if (cmd.cmdPing() != 1): # raise CmdException("Can't connect to target. Ensure boot loader " # "is started. (no answer on ping command)") chip_id = cmd.cmdGetChipId() chip_id_str = CHIP_ID_STRS.get(chip_id, None) if chip_id_str is None: mdebug(10, ' Unrecognized chip ID. Trying CC13xx/CC26xx') device = CC26xx(cmd) else: mdebug(10, " Target id 0x%x, %s" % (chip_id, chip_id_str)) device = CC2538(cmd) # Choose a good default address unless the user specified -a if conf['address'] is None: conf['address'] = device.flash_start_addr if conf['force_speed'] != 1 and device.has_cmd_set_xosc: if cmd.cmdSetXOsc(): # switch to external clock source cmd.close() conf['baud'] = 1000000 cmd.open(conf['port'], conf['baud']) mdebug(6, "Opening port %(port)s, baud %(baud)d" % {'port': conf['port'], 'baud': conf['baud']}) mdebug(6, "Reconnecting to target at higher speed...") if (cmd.sendSynch() != 1): raise CmdException("Can't connect to target after clock " "source switch. (Check external " "crystal)") else: raise CmdException("Can't switch target to external clock " "source. (Try forcing speed)") if conf['erase']: # we only do full erase for now if device.erase(): mdebug(5, " Erase done") else: raise CmdException("Erase failed") if conf['write']: # TODO: check if boot loader back-door is open, need to read # flash size first to get address if cmd.writeMemory(conf['address'], firmware.bytes): mdebug(5, " Write done ") else: raise CmdException("Write failed ") if conf['verify']: mdebug(5, "Verifying by comparing CRC32 calculations.") crc_local = firmware.crc32() # CRC of target will change according to length input file crc_target = device.crc(conf['address'], len(firmware.bytes)) if crc_local == crc_target: mdebug(5, " Verified (match: 0x%08x)" % crc_local) else: cmd.cmdReset() raise Exception("NO CRC32 match: Local = 0x%x, " "Target = 0x%x" % (crc_local, crc_target)) if conf['ieee_address'] != 0: ieee_addr = parse_ieee_address(conf['ieee_address']) if PY3: mdebug(5, "Setting IEEE address to %s" % (':'.join(['%02x' % b for b in struct.pack('>Q', ieee_addr)]))) ieee_addr_bytes = struct.pack('Q', ieee_addr)]))) ieee_addr_bytes = [ord(b) for b in struct.pack('> 2): # reading 4 bytes at a time rdata = device.read_memory(conf['address'] + (i * 4)) mdebug(5, " 0x%x: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (conf['address'] + (i * 4), rdata[0], rdata[1], rdata[2], rdata[3]), '\r') f.write(rdata) f.close() mdebug(5, " Read done ") if conf['disable-bootloader']: device.disable_bootloader() cmd.cmdReset() except Exception as err: if QUIET >= 10: traceback.print_exc() exit('ERROR: %s' % str(err))