#include "curve_view.h" #include "../constant.h" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #include <float.h> using namespace Poincare; namespace Shared { CurveView::CurveView(CurveViewRange * curveViewRange, CurveViewCursor * curveViewCursor, BannerView * bannerView, View * cursorView, View * okView, bool displayBanner) : View(), m_bannerView(bannerView), m_curveViewCursor(curveViewCursor), m_curveViewRange(curveViewRange), m_cursorView(cursorView), m_okView(okView), m_forceOkDisplay(false), m_mainViewSelected(false), m_drawnRangeVersion(0) { } void CurveView::reload() { uint32_t rangeVersion = m_curveViewRange->rangeChecksum(); if (m_drawnRangeVersion != rangeVersion) { // FIXME: This should also be called if the *curve* changed m_drawnRangeVersion = rangeVersion; KDCoordinate bannerHeight = (m_bannerView != nullptr) ? m_bannerView->bounds().height() : 0; markRectAsDirty(KDRect(0, 0, bounds().width(), bounds().height() - bannerHeight)); if (label(Axis::Horizontal, 0) != nullptr) { computeLabels(Axis::Horizontal); } if (label(Axis::Vertical, 0) != nullptr) { computeLabels(Axis::Vertical); } } layoutSubviews(); } bool CurveView::isMainViewSelected() const { return m_mainViewSelected; } void CurveView::selectMainView(bool mainViewSelected) { if (m_mainViewSelected != mainViewSelected) { m_mainViewSelected = mainViewSelected; reload(); } } void CurveView::setCurveViewRange(CurveViewRange * curveViewRange) { m_curveViewRange = curveViewRange; } /* When setting cursor, banner or ok view we first dirty the former element * frame (in case we set the new element to be nullptr or the new element frame * does not recover the former element frame) and then we dirty the new element * frame (most of the time it is automatically done by the layout but the frame * might be identical to the previous one and in that case layoutSubviews will * do nothing). */ void CurveView::setCursorView(View * cursorView) { markRectAsDirty(cursorFrame()); m_cursorView = cursorView; markRectAsDirty(cursorFrame()); layoutSubviews(); } void CurveView::setBannerView(View * bannerView) { markRectAsDirty(bannerFrame()); m_bannerView = bannerView; layoutSubviews(); } void CurveView::setOkView(View * okView) { markRectAsDirty(okFrame()); m_okView = okView; layoutSubviews(); } float CurveView::resolution() const { return bounds().width()*samplingRatio(); } float CurveView::samplingRatio() const { return 1.1f; } float CurveView::min(Axis axis) const { assert(axis == Axis::Horizontal || axis == Axis::Vertical); return (axis == Axis::Horizontal ? m_curveViewRange->xMin(): m_curveViewRange->yMin()); } float CurveView::max(Axis axis) const { assert(axis == Axis::Horizontal || axis == Axis::Vertical); return (axis == Axis::Horizontal ? m_curveViewRange->xMax() : m_curveViewRange->yMax()); } float CurveView::gridUnit(Axis axis) const { return (axis == Axis::Horizontal ? m_curveViewRange->xGridUnit() : m_curveViewRange->yGridUnit()); } KDCoordinate CurveView::pixelLength(Axis axis) const { assert(axis == Axis::Horizontal || axis == Axis::Vertical); return (axis == Axis::Horizontal ? m_frame.width() : m_frame.height()); } float CurveView::pixelToFloat(Axis axis, KDCoordinate p) const { KDCoordinate pixels = axis == Axis::Horizontal ? p : pixelLength(axis)-p; return min(axis) + pixels*((max(axis)-min(axis))/pixelLength(axis)); } float CurveView::floatToPixel(Axis axis, float f) const { float fraction = (f-min(axis))/(max(axis)-min(axis)); fraction = axis == Axis::Horizontal ? fraction : 1.0f - fraction; /* Fraction is a float that translates the relative position of f on the axis. * When fraction is between 0 and 1, f is visible. Otherwise, f is out of the * visible window. We need to clip fraction to avoid big float issue (often * due to float to int transformation). However, we cannot clip fraction * between 0 and 1 because drawing a sized stamp on the extern boarder of the * window should still be visible. We thus arbitrarily clip fraction between * -10 and 10. */ fraction = fraction < -10.0f ? -10.0f : fraction; fraction = fraction > 10.0f ? 10.0f : fraction; return pixelLength(axis)*fraction; } void CurveView::computeLabels(Axis axis) { char buffer[PrintFloat::bufferSizeForFloatsWithPrecision(Constant::ShortNumberOfSignificantDigits)]; float step = gridUnit(axis); for (int index = 0; index < numberOfLabels(axis); index++) { float labelValue = 2.0f*step*(std::ceil(min(axis)/(2.0f*step)))+index*2.0f*step; if (labelValue < step && labelValue > -step) { labelValue = 0.0f; } PrintFloat::convertFloatToText<float>(labelValue, buffer, PrintFloat::bufferSizeForFloatsWithPrecision(Constant::ShortNumberOfSignificantDigits), Constant::ShortNumberOfSignificantDigits, PrintFloat::Mode::Decimal); //TODO: check for size of label? strlcpy(label(axis, index), buffer, strlen(buffer)+1); } } void CurveView::drawLabels(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, bool shiftOrigin, bool graduationOnly, bool fixCoordinate, KDCoordinate fixedCoordinate) const { float step = gridUnit(axis); float start = 2.0f*step*(std::ceil(min(axis)/(2.0f*step))); float end = max(axis); float verticalCoordinate = fixCoordinate ? fixedCoordinate : std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f)); float horizontalCoordinate = fixCoordinate ? fixedCoordinate : std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, 0.0f)); int i = 0; for (float x = start; x < end; x += 2.0f*step) { /* When |start| >> step, start + step = start. In that case, quit the * infinite loop. */ if (x == x-step || x == x+step) { return; } KDRect graduation(std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x)), verticalCoordinate -(k_labelGraduationLength-2)/2, 1, k_labelGraduationLength); if (axis == Axis::Vertical) { graduation = KDRect(horizontalCoordinate-(k_labelGraduationLength-2)/2, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, x)), k_labelGraduationLength, 1); } if (!graduationOnly) { KDSize textSize = KDText::stringSize(label(axis, i), KDText::FontSize::Small); KDPoint origin(std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x)) - textSize.width()/2, verticalCoordinate + k_labelMargin); if (axis == Axis::Vertical) { origin = KDPoint(horizontalCoordinate + k_labelMargin, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, x)) - textSize.height()/2); } if (-step < x && x < step && shiftOrigin) { origin = KDPoint(horizontalCoordinate + k_labelMargin, verticalCoordinate + k_labelMargin); } if (rect.intersects(KDRect(origin, KDText::stringSize(label(axis, i), KDText::FontSize::Small)))) { ctx->blendString(label(axis, i), origin, KDText::FontSize::Small, KDColorBlack); } } ctx->fillRect(graduation, KDColorBlack); i++; } } void CurveView::drawLine(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float coordinate, KDColor color, KDCoordinate thickness) const { KDRect lineRect = KDRectZero; switch(axis) { case Axis::Horizontal: lineRect = KDRect( rect.x(), std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, coordinate)), rect.width(), thickness ); break; case Axis::Vertical: lineRect = KDRect( std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, coordinate)), rect.y(), thickness, rect.height() ); break; } if (rect.intersects(lineRect)) { ctx->fillRect(lineRect, color); } } void CurveView::drawSegment(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float coordinate, float lowerBound, float upperBound, KDColor color, KDCoordinate thickness) const { KDRect lineRect = KDRectZero; switch(axis) { case Axis::Horizontal: lineRect = KDRect( std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, lowerBound)), std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, coordinate)), std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, upperBound) - floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, lowerBound)), thickness ); break; case Axis::Vertical: lineRect = KDRect( std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, coordinate)), std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, upperBound)), thickness, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, lowerBound) - floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, upperBound)) ); break; } if (rect.intersects(lineRect)) { ctx->fillRect(lineRect, color); } } constexpr KDCoordinate dotDiameter = 5; const uint8_t dotMask[dotDiameter][dotDiameter] = { {0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1}, {0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45}, {0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1}, }; constexpr KDCoordinate oversizeDotDiameter = 7; const uint8_t oversizeDotMask[oversizeDotDiameter][oversizeDotDiameter] = { {0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1}, {0x45, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x45}, {0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C}, {0x45, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x45}, {0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1}, }; KDColor s_dotWorkingBuffer[dotDiameter*dotDiameter]; KDColor s_oversizeDotWorkingBuffer[oversizeDotDiameter*oversizeDotDiameter]; void CurveView::drawDot(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float x, float y, KDColor color, bool oversize) const { KDCoordinate px = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x)); KDCoordinate py = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, y)); if ((px + dotDiameter < rect.left() - k_externRectMargin || px - dotDiameter > rect.right() + k_externRectMargin) || (py + dotDiameter < rect.top() - k_externRectMargin || py - dotDiameter > rect.bottom() + k_externRectMargin)) { return; } KDRect dotRect = KDRect(px - dotDiameter/2, py-dotDiameter/2, dotDiameter, dotDiameter); ctx->blendRectWithMask(dotRect, color, (const uint8_t *)dotMask, s_dotWorkingBuffer); if (oversize) { KDRect oversizeDotRect = KDRect(px - oversizeDotDiameter/2, py-oversizeDotDiameter/2, oversizeDotDiameter, oversizeDotDiameter); ctx->blendRectWithMask(oversizeDotRect, color, (const uint8_t *)oversizeDotMask, s_oversizeDotWorkingBuffer); } } void CurveView::drawGridLines(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float step, KDColor color) const { float rectMin = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.left()); float rectMax = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.right()); if (axis == Axis::Vertical) { rectMax = pixelToFloat(Axis::Vertical, rect.top()); rectMin = pixelToFloat(Axis::Vertical, rect.bottom()); } float start = step*((int)(min(axis)/step)); Axis otherAxis = (axis == Axis::Horizontal) ? Axis::Vertical : Axis::Horizontal; for (float x =start; x < max(axis); x += step) { /* When |start| >> step, start + step = start. In that case, quit the * infinite loop. */ if (x == x-step || x == x+step) { return; } if (rectMin <= x && x <= rectMax) { drawLine(ctx, rect, otherAxis, x, color); } } } void CurveView::drawGrid(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect) const { drawGridLines(ctx, rect, Axis::Horizontal, m_curveViewRange->xGridUnit(), Palette::GreyWhite); drawGridLines(ctx, rect, Axis::Vertical, m_curveViewRange->yGridUnit(), Palette::GreyWhite); } void CurveView::drawAxes(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis) const { drawLine(ctx, rect, axis, 0.0f, KDColorBlack, 1); } #define LINE_THICKNESS 2 #if LINE_THICKNESS == 1 constexpr KDCoordinate circleDiameter = 1; constexpr KDCoordinate stampSize = circleDiameter+1; const uint8_t stampMask[stampSize+1][stampSize+1] = { {0xFF, 0xE1, 0xFF}, {0xE1, 0x00, 0xE1}, {0xFF, 0xE1, 0xFF}, }; #elif LINE_THICKNESS == 2 constexpr KDCoordinate circleDiameter = 2; constexpr KDCoordinate stampSize = circleDiameter+1; const uint8_t stampMask[stampSize+1][stampSize+1] = { {0xFF, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xFF}, {0xE6, 0x33, 0x33, 0xE6}, {0xE6, 0x33, 0x33, 0xE6}, {0xFF, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xFF}, }; #elif LINE_THICKNESS == 3 constexpr KDCoordinate circleDiameter = 3; constexpr KDCoordinate stampSize = circleDiameter+1; const uint8_t stampMask[stampSize+1][stampSize+1] = { {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x7A, 0x0C, 0x7A, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0C, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x7A, 0x0C, 0x7A, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} }; #elif LINE_THICKNESS == 5 constexpr KDCoordinate circleDiameter = 5; constexpr KDCoordinate stampSize = circleDiameter+1; const uint8_t stampMask[stampSize+1][stampSize+1] = { {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xE1, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x45, 0xE1, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, }; #endif constexpr static int k_maxNumberOfIterations = 10; void CurveView::drawCurve(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, EvaluateModelWithParameter evaluation, void * model, void * context, KDColor color, bool colorUnderCurve, float colorLowerBound, float colorUpperBound, bool continuously) const { float xMin = min(Axis::Horizontal); float xMax = max(Axis::Horizontal); float xStep = (xMax-xMin)/resolution(); float rectMin = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.left() - k_externRectMargin); float rectMax = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.right() + k_externRectMargin); float pixelColorLowerBound = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, colorLowerBound)); float pixelColorUpperBound = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, colorUpperBound)); for (float x = rectMin; x < rectMax; x += xStep) { /* When |rectMin| >> xStep, rectMin + xStep = rectMin. In that case, quit * the infinite loop. */ if (x == x-xStep || x == x+xStep) { return; } float y = evaluation(x, model, context); if (std::isnan(y)|| std::isinf(y)) { continue; } float pxf = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x); float pyf = floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, y); if (colorUnderCurve && pxf > pixelColorLowerBound && pxf < pixelColorUpperBound) { KDRect colorRect((int)pxf, std::round(pyf), 1, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f)) - std::round(pyf)); if (floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f) < std::round(pyf)) { colorRect = KDRect((int)pxf, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f)), 1, std::round(pyf) - std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f))); } ctx->fillRect(colorRect, color); } stampAtLocation(ctx, rect, pxf, pyf, color); if (x <= rectMin || std::isnan(evaluation(x-xStep, model, context))) { continue; } if (continuously) { float puf = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x - xStep); float pvf = floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, evaluation(x-xStep, model, context)); straightJoinDots(ctx, rect, puf, pvf, pxf, pyf, color); } else { jointDots(ctx, rect, evaluation, model, context, x - xStep, evaluation(x-xStep, model, context), x, y, color, k_maxNumberOfIterations); } } } void CurveView::drawHistogram(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, EvaluateModelWithParameter evaluation, void * model, void * context, float firstBarAbscissa, float barWidth, bool fillBar, KDColor defaultColor, KDColor highlightColor, float highlightLowerBound, float highlightUpperBound) const { float rectMin = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.left()); float rectMinBinNumber = std::floor((rectMin - firstBarAbscissa)/barWidth); float rectMinLowerBound = firstBarAbscissa + rectMinBinNumber*barWidth; float rectMax = pixelToFloat(Axis::Horizontal, rect.right()); float rectMaxBinNumber = std::floor((rectMax - firstBarAbscissa)/barWidth); float rectMaxUpperBound = firstBarAbscissa + (rectMaxBinNumber+1)*barWidth + barWidth; float pHighlightLowerBound = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, highlightLowerBound); float pHighlightUpperBound = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, highlightUpperBound); float step = barWidth; if ((rectMaxUpperBound-rectMinLowerBound)/step > resolution()) { step = (rectMaxUpperBound-rectMinLowerBound)/resolution(); } for (float x = rectMinLowerBound; x < rectMaxUpperBound; x += step) { /* When |rectMinLowerBound| >> step, rectMinLowerBound + step = rectMinLowerBound. * In that case, quit the infinite loop. */ if (x == x-step || x == x+step) { return; } float centerX = fillBar ? x+barWidth/2.0f : x; float y = evaluation(centerX, model, context); if (std::isnan(y)) { continue; } KDCoordinate pxf = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x)); KDCoordinate pyf = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, y)); KDCoordinate pixelBarWidth = fillBar ? std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x+barWidth)) - std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x))-1 : 2; KDRect binRect(pxf, pyf, pixelBarWidth, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f)) - pyf); if (floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f) < pyf) { binRect = KDRect(pxf, std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f)), pixelBarWidth+1, pyf - std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, 0.0f))); } KDColor binColor = defaultColor; bool shouldColorBin = fillBar ? centerX >= highlightLowerBound && centerX <= highlightUpperBound : pxf >= floorf(pHighlightLowerBound) && pxf <= floorf(pHighlightUpperBound); if (shouldColorBin) { binColor = highlightColor; } ctx->fillRect(binRect, binColor); } } int CurveView::numberOfLabels(Axis axis) const { Axis otherAxis = axis == Axis::Horizontal ? Axis::Vertical : Axis::Horizontal; if (min(otherAxis) > 0.0f || max(otherAxis) < 0.0f) { return 0; } return std::ceil((max(axis) - min(axis))/(2*gridUnit(axis))); } void CurveView::jointDots(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, EvaluateModelWithParameter evaluation, void * model, void * context, float x, float y, float u, float v, KDColor color, int maxNumberOfRecursion) const { float pyf = floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, y); float pvf = floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, v); if (std::isnan(pyf) || std::isnan(pvf)) { return; } // No need to draw if both dots are outside visible area if ((pyf < -stampSize && pvf < -stampSize) || (pyf > pixelLength(Axis::Vertical)+stampSize && pvf > pixelLength(Axis::Vertical)+stampSize)) { return; } // If one of the dot is infinite, we cap it with a dot outside area if (std::isinf(pyf)) { pyf = pyf > 0 ? pixelLength(Axis::Vertical)+stampSize : -stampSize; } if (std::isinf(pvf)) { pvf = pvf > 0 ? pixelLength(Axis::Vertical)+stampSize : -stampSize; } if (pyf - (float)circleDiameter/2.0f < pvf && pvf < pyf + (float)circleDiameter/2.0f) { // the dots are already joined return; } // C is the dot whose abscissa is between x and u float cx = (x + u)/2.0f; float cy = evaluation(cx, model, context); if ((y <= cy && cy <= v) || (v <= cy && cy <= y)) { /* As the middle dot is vertically between the two dots, we assume that we * can draw a 'straight' line between the two */ float pxf = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, x); float puf = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, u); if (std::isnan(pxf) || std::isnan(puf)) { return; } straightJoinDots(ctx, rect, pxf, pyf, puf, pvf, color); return; } float pcxf = floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, cx); float pcyf = floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, cy); if (maxNumberOfRecursion > 0) { stampAtLocation(ctx, rect, pcxf, pcyf, color); jointDots(ctx, rect, evaluation, model, context, x, y, cx, cy, color, maxNumberOfRecursion-1); jointDots(ctx, rect, evaluation, model, context, cx, cy, u, v, color, maxNumberOfRecursion-1); } } void CurveView::straightJoinDots(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float pxf, float pyf, float puf, float pvf, KDColor color) const { if (pyf <= pvf) { for (float pnf = pyf; pnf<pvf; pnf+= 1.0f) { float pmf = pxf + (pnf - pyf)*(puf - pxf)/(pvf - pyf); stampAtLocation(ctx, rect, pmf, pnf, color); } return; } straightJoinDots(ctx, rect, puf, pvf, pxf, pyf, color); } void CurveView::stampAtLocation(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float pxf, float pyf, KDColor color) const { // We avoid drawing when no part of the stamp is visible if (pyf < -stampSize || pyf > pixelLength(Axis::Vertical)+stampSize) { return; } KDCoordinate px = pxf; KDCoordinate py = pyf; KDRect stampRect(px-(circleDiameter-2)/2, py-(circleDiameter-2)/2, stampSize, stampSize); if (!rect.intersects(stampRect)) { return; } uint8_t shiftedMask[stampSize][stampSize]; KDColor workingBuffer[stampSize*stampSize]; float dx = pxf - std::floor(pxf); float dy = pyf - std::floor(pyf); /* TODO: this could be optimized by precomputing 10 or 100 shifted masks. The * dx and dy would be rounded to one tenth or one hundredth to choose the * right shifted mask. */ for (int i=0; i<stampSize; i++) { for (int j=0; j<stampSize; j++) { shiftedMask[i][j] = dx * (stampMask[i][j]*dy+stampMask[i+1][j]*(1.0f-dy)) + (1.0f-dx) * (stampMask[i][j+1]*dy + stampMask[i+1][j+1]*(1.0f-dy)); } } ctx->blendRectWithMask(stampRect, color, (const uint8_t *)shiftedMask, workingBuffer); } void CurveView::layoutSubviews() { if (m_curveViewCursor != nullptr && m_cursorView != nullptr) { m_cursorView->setFrame(cursorFrame()); } if (m_bannerView != nullptr) { m_bannerView->setFrame(bannerFrame()); } if (m_okView != nullptr) { m_okView->setFrame(okFrame()); } } KDRect CurveView::cursorFrame() { KDRect cursorFrame = KDRectZero; if (m_cursorView && m_mainViewSelected && !std::isnan(m_curveViewCursor->x()) && !std::isnan(m_curveViewCursor->y())) { KDSize cursorSize = m_cursorView->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay(); KDCoordinate xCursorPixelPosition = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Horizontal, m_curveViewCursor->x())); KDCoordinate yCursorPixelPosition = std::round(floatToPixel(Axis::Vertical, m_curveViewCursor->y())); cursorFrame = KDRect(xCursorPixelPosition - (cursorSize.width()-1)/2, yCursorPixelPosition - (cursorSize.height()-1)/2, cursorSize.width(), cursorSize.height()); if (cursorSize.height() == 0) { KDCoordinate bannerHeight = (m_bannerView != nullptr) ? m_bannerView->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().height() : 0; cursorFrame = KDRect(xCursorPixelPosition - (cursorSize.width()-1)/2, 0, cursorSize.width(),bounds().height()-bannerHeight); } } return cursorFrame; } KDRect CurveView::bannerFrame() { KDRect bannerFrame = KDRectZero; if (m_bannerView && m_mainViewSelected) { KDCoordinate bannerHeight = m_bannerView->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().height(); bannerFrame = KDRect(0, bounds().height()- bannerHeight, bounds().width(), bannerHeight); } return bannerFrame; } KDRect CurveView::okFrame() { KDRect okFrame = KDRectZero; if (m_okView && (m_mainViewSelected || m_forceOkDisplay)) { KDCoordinate bannerHeight = 0; if (m_bannerView != nullptr) { bannerHeight = m_bannerView->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().height(); } KDSize okSize = m_okView->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay(); okFrame = KDRect(bounds().width()- okSize.width()-k_okHorizontalMargin, bounds().height()- bannerHeight-okSize.height()-k_okVerticalMargin, okSize); } return okFrame; } int CurveView::numberOfSubviews() const { return (m_bannerView != nullptr) + (m_cursorView != nullptr) + (m_okView != nullptr); }; View * CurveView::subviewAtIndex(int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < 3); /* If all subviews exist, we want Ok view to be the first child to avoid * redrawing it because it falls in the union of dirty rectangles linked to * the banner view and curve view */ if (index == 0) { if (m_okView != nullptr) { return m_okView; } else { if (m_bannerView != nullptr) { return m_bannerView; } } } if (index == 1 && m_bannerView != nullptr && m_okView != nullptr) { return m_bannerView; } return m_cursorView; } }