SFLAGS += -Ikandinsky/include objs += $(addprefix kandinsky/src/,\ color.o\ context.o\ context_line.o\ context_pixel.o\ context_rect.o\ context_text.o\ framebuffer.o\ framebuffer_context.o\ ion_context.o\ large_font.o\ point.o\ rect.o\ small_font.o\ text.o\ ) tests += $(addprefix kandinsky/test/,\ color.cpp\ rect.cpp\ ) FREETYPE_PATH := /usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.6.3 # LIBPNG_PATH is optional. If LIBPNG_PATH is not defined, rasterizer will be # built w/o PNG support and simply won't output an image of the rasterization #LIBPNG_PATH := /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.21 generated_headers += $(addprefix kandinsky/src/, small_font.h large_font.h) small_font_files = $(addprefix kandinsky/src/, small_font.h small_font.c) large_font_files = $(addprefix kandinsky/src/, large_font.h large_font.c) RASTERIZER_CFLAGS := -std=c99 `freetype-config --cflags` RASTERIZER_LDFLAGS := `freetype-config --libs` ifdef LIBPNG_PATH small_font_files += kandinsky/src/small_font.png large_font_files += kandinsky/src/large_font.png RASTERIZER_CFLAGS += -I$(LIBPNG_PATH)/include -DGENERATE_PNG=1 -L$(LIBPNG_PATH)/lib -lpng endif # Even though raster will generate both .c and .h files, we don't declare it as # such to make. If we did, "make -jN" with N>1 may call "raster" twice. kandinsky/src/small_font.h: kandinsky/src/small_font.c kandinsky/src/small_font.c: kandinsky/fonts/rasterizer @echo "RASTER $(small_font_files)" $(Q) $< kandinsky/fonts/SmallSourcePixel.ttf 12 12 SmallFont $(small_font_files) kandinsky/src/large_font.h: kandinsky/src/large_font.c kandinsky/src/large_font.c: kandinsky/fonts/rasterizer @echo "RASTER $(large_font_files)" $(Q) $< kandinsky/fonts/LargeSourcePixel.ttf 16 16 LargeFont $(large_font_files) kandinsky/fonts/rasterizer: kandinsky/fonts/rasterizer.c kandinsky/fonts/unicode_for_symbol.c @echo "HOSTCC $@" $(Q) $(HOSTCC) $(RASTERIZER_CFLAGS) $^ $(RASTERIZER_LDFLAGS) -o $@ products += $(small_font_files) $(large_font_files) kandinsky/fonts/rasterizer