#include #include #include ButtonRowDelegate::ButtonRowDelegate(ButtonRowController * header, ButtonRowController * footer) : m_header(header), m_footer(footer) { } ButtonRowController::ContentView::ContentView(ViewController * mainViewController, ButtonRowDelegate * delegate, Position position, Style style, Size size) : View(), m_mainViewController(mainViewController), m_selectedButton(-1), m_delegate(delegate), m_position(position), m_style(style), m_size(size) { } int ButtonRowController::ContentView::numberOfButtons() const { return m_delegate->numberOfButtons(m_position); } Button * ButtonRowController::ContentView::buttonAtIndex(int index) const { return m_delegate->buttonAtIndex(index, m_position); } int ButtonRowController::ContentView::numberOfSubviews() const { return numberOfButtons() + 1; } View * ButtonRowController::ContentView::subviewAtIndex(int index) { /* Warning: the order of the subviews is important for drity tracking. * Indeed, when a child is redrawn, the redrawn area is the smallest * rectangle unioniong the dirty rectangle and the previous redrawn area. * As the main view is more likely to be bigger, we prefer to set it as the * last child. */ if (index == numberOfSubviews() - 1) { return m_mainViewController->view(); } else { return buttonAtIndex(index); } } void ButtonRowController::ContentView::layoutSubviews() { /* Position the main view */ if (numberOfButtons() == 0) { KDCoordinate margin = m_position == Position::Top ? 1 : 0; KDRect mainViewFrame(0, margin, bounds().width(), bounds().height()-margin); m_mainViewController->view()->setFrame(mainViewFrame); return; } KDCoordinate rowHeight; if (m_style == Style::PlainWhite) { rowHeight = k_plainStyleHeight; } else { rowHeight = m_size == Size::Small ? k_embossedStyleHeightSmall : k_embossedStyleHeightLarge; } KDCoordinate frameOrigin = m_position == Position::Top ? rowHeight+1 : 0; KDRect mainViewFrame(0, frameOrigin, bounds().width(), bounds().height() - rowHeight - 1); m_mainViewController->view()->setFrame(mainViewFrame); /* Position buttons */ int nbOfButtons = numberOfButtons(); KDCoordinate widthMargin = 0; KDCoordinate buttonHeightMargin = 0; KDCoordinate buttonHeight = rowHeight; if (m_style == Style::EmbossedGrey) { KDCoordinate totalButtonWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbOfButtons; i++) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(i); totalButtonWidth += button->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().width(); } widthMargin = std::round(((float)(bounds().width() - totalButtonWidth))/((float)(nbOfButtons+1))); buttonHeightMargin = m_size == Size::Small ? k_embossedStyleHeightMarginSmall : k_embossedStyleHeightMarginLarge; buttonHeight = rowHeight- 2*buttonHeightMargin; } KDCoordinate yOrigin = m_position == Position::Top ? buttonHeightMargin : bounds().height()-rowHeight+buttonHeightMargin; int currentXOrigin = widthMargin; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfButtons(); i++) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(i); KDCoordinate buttonWidth = button->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().width(); KDRect buttonFrame(currentXOrigin, yOrigin, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); button->setFrame(buttonFrame); currentXOrigin += buttonWidth + widthMargin; } } void ButtonRowController::ContentView::drawRect(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect) const { if (numberOfButtons() == 0) { if (m_position == Position::Top) { ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, 0, bounds().width(), 1), Palette::GreyWhite); } return; } if (m_style == Style::PlainWhite) { if (m_position == Position::Top) { ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, 0, bounds().width(), k_plainStyleHeight), KDColorWhite); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, k_plainStyleHeight, bounds().width(), 1), Palette::GreyWhite); } else { ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, bounds().height() - k_plainStyleHeight, bounds().width(), k_plainStyleHeight), KDColorWhite); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, bounds().height() - k_plainStyleHeight-1, bounds().width(), 1), Palette::GreyWhite); } return; } int buttonHeight = m_size == Size::Small ? k_embossedStyleHeightSmall : k_embossedStyleHeightLarge; int buttonMargin = m_size == Size::Small ? k_embossedStyleHeightMarginSmall : k_embossedStyleHeightMarginLarge; if (m_position == Position::Top) { ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, 0, bounds().width(), buttonHeight), Palette::GreyWhite); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, buttonHeight, bounds().width(), 1), Palette::GreyMiddle); } else { ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, bounds().height() - buttonHeight, bounds().width(), buttonHeight), Palette::GreyWhite); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(0, bounds().height() - buttonHeight-1, bounds().width(), 1), Palette::GreyMiddle); } KDCoordinate y0 = m_position == Position::Top ? buttonMargin-1 : bounds().height()-buttonHeight+buttonMargin-1; KDCoordinate y1 = m_position == Position::Top ? buttonHeight-buttonMargin-2 : bounds().height()-buttonMargin; KDCoordinate totalButtonWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfButtons(); i++) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(i); totalButtonWidth += button->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().width(); } KDCoordinate widthMargin = std::round(((float)(bounds().width() - totalButtonWidth))/((float)(numberOfButtons()+1))); int currentXOrigin = widthMargin-1; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfButtons(); i++) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(i); KDCoordinate buttonWidth = button->minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay().width(); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin, y0, 1, y1-y0+1), Palette::GreyMiddle); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin-1, y0, 1, y1-y0+2), Palette::GreyDark); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin, y0, buttonWidth+2, 1), Palette::GreyMiddle); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin, y1, buttonWidth+2, 1), Palette::GreyMiddle); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin, y1+1, buttonWidth+2, 1), Palette::GreyDark); ctx->fillRect(KDRect(currentXOrigin+1+buttonWidth, y0, 1, y1-y0+1), Palette::GreyMiddle); currentXOrigin += buttonWidth + widthMargin; } } bool ButtonRowController::ContentView::setSelectedButton(int selectedButton, App * application) { if (selectedButton < -1 || selectedButton >= numberOfButtons() || selectedButton == m_selectedButton) { return false; } if (m_selectedButton >= 0) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(m_selectedButton); button->setHighlighted(false); } m_selectedButton = selectedButton; if (m_selectedButton >= 0) { Button * button = buttonAtIndex(selectedButton); button->setHighlighted(true); application->setFirstResponder(button); return true; } return false; } ButtonRowController::ButtonRowController(Responder * parentResponder, ViewController * mainViewController, ButtonRowDelegate * delegate, Position position, Style style, Size size) : ViewController(parentResponder), m_contentView(mainViewController, delegate, position, style, size) { } const char * ButtonRowController::title() { return m_contentView.mainViewController()->title(); } void ButtonRowController::didBecomeFirstResponder(){ app()->setFirstResponder(m_contentView.mainViewController()); } int ButtonRowController::selectedButton() { return m_contentView.selectedButton(); } bool ButtonRowController::setSelectedButton(int selectedButton) { App * application = app(); return m_contentView.setSelectedButton(selectedButton, application); } bool ButtonRowController::handleEvent(Ion::Events::Event event) { if (event == Ion::Events::Left) { if (m_contentView.selectedButton() == 0) { } else { setSelectedButton(m_contentView.selectedButton() - 1); } return true; } if (event == Ion::Events::Right) { if (m_contentView.selectedButton() == - 1) { } else { setSelectedButton(m_contentView.selectedButton() + 1); } return true; } if (event == Ion::Events::OK || event == Ion::Events::EXE) { return true; } return false; } void ButtonRowController::viewWillAppear() { /* We need to layout subviews at first appearance because the number of * buttons might have changed between 2 appearences. */ m_contentView.layoutSubviews(); m_contentView.mainViewController()->viewWillAppear(); } void ButtonRowController::viewDidDisappear() { m_contentView.mainViewController()->viewDidDisappear(); }