#include #include #include #include #include #include static inline size_t min(size_t a, size_t b) { return (a>b ? b : a); } TextArea::Text::Text(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize) : m_buffer(buffer), m_bufferSize(bufferSize) { assert(m_buffer != nullptr); } TextArea::Text::Line::Line(const char * text) : m_text(text), m_length(0) { if (m_text != nullptr) { while (*text != 0 && *text != '\n') { text++; } m_length = text-m_text; } } bool TextArea::Text::Line::contains(const char * c) const { return (c >= m_text) && (c < m_text + m_length); } TextArea::Text::LineIterator & TextArea::Text::LineIterator::operator++() { const char * last = m_line.text() + m_line.length(); m_line = Line(*last == 0 ? nullptr : last+1); return *this; } size_t TextArea::Text::indexAtPosition(Position p) { if (p.line() < 0) { return 0; } int y = 0; const char * endOfLastLine = nullptr; for (Line l : *this) { if (p.line() == y) { size_t x = p.column() < 0 ? 0 : p.column(); x = min(x, l.length()); return l.text() - m_buffer + x; } endOfLastLine = l.text() + l.length(); y++; } assert(endOfLastLine != nullptr && endOfLastLine >= m_buffer); return endOfLastLine - m_buffer; } TextArea::Text::Position TextArea::Text::positionAtIndex(size_t index) { assert(index < m_bufferSize); const char * target = m_buffer + index; size_t y = 0; for (Line l : *this) { if (l.text() <= target && l.text() + l.length() >= target) { size_t x = target - l.text(); return Position(x, y); } y++; } assert(false); return Position(0, 0); } void TextArea::Text::insertChar(char c, size_t index) { assert(index < m_bufferSize-1); char previous = c; for (size_t i=index; i= 0 && index < m_bufferSize); int jump = index; while (m_buffer[jump] != '\n' && m_buffer[jump] != 0 && jump >= 0) { jump += direction; } int delta = direction > 0 ? jump - index : index - jump; if (delta == 0) { return 0; } /* We stop at m_bufferSize-1 because: * - if direction > 0: jump >= k+1 so we will reach the 0 before m_bufferSize-1 * - if direction < 0: k+1 will reach m_bufferSize. */ for (size_t k = index; k < m_bufferSize-1; k++) { if (direction > 0) { m_buffer[k] = m_buffer[jump++]; } else { m_buffer[++jump] = m_buffer[k+1]; } if (m_buffer[k] == 0 || m_buffer[k+1] == 0) { return delta; } } assert(false); return 0; } TextArea::Text::Position TextArea::Text::span() const { size_t width = 0; size_t height = 0; for (Line l : *this) { if (l.length() > width) { width = l.length(); } height++; } return Position(width, height); } /* TextArea::ContentView */ TextArea::ContentView::ContentView(char * textBuffer, size_t textBufferSize, KDText::FontSize fontSize, KDColor textColor, KDColor backgroundColor) : View(), m_cursorIndex(0), m_text(textBuffer, textBufferSize), m_fontSize(fontSize), m_textColor(textColor), m_backgroundColor(backgroundColor) { } KDSize TextArea::ContentView::minimalSizeForOptimalDisplay() const { KDSize charSize = KDText::charSize(m_fontSize); Text::Position span = m_text.span(); return KDSize( /* We take into account the space required to draw a cursor at the end of * line by adding charSize.width() to the width. */ charSize.width() * (span.column()+1), charSize.height() * span.line() ); } void TextArea::ContentView::drawRect(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect) const { ctx->fillRect(rect, m_backgroundColor); KDSize charSize = KDText::charSize(m_fontSize); // We want to draw even partially visible characters. So we need to round // down for the top left corner and up for the bottom right one. Text::Position topLeft( rect.x()/charSize.width(), rect.y()/charSize.height() ); Text::Position bottomRight( rect.right()/charSize.width() + 1, rect.bottom()/charSize.height() + 1 ); int y = 0; size_t x = topLeft.column(); for (Text::Line line : m_text) { if (y >= topLeft.line() && y <= bottomRight.line() && topLeft.column() < (int)line.length()) { //drawString(line.text(), 0, y*charHeight); // Naive version ctx->drawString( line.text() + topLeft.column(), KDPoint(x*charSize.width(), y*charSize.height()), m_fontSize, m_textColor, m_backgroundColor, min(line.length() - topLeft.column(), bottomRight.column() - topLeft.column()) ); } y++; } } int TextArea::ContentView::numberOfSubviews() const { return 1; } View * TextArea::ContentView::subviewAtIndex(int index) { return &m_cursorView; } void TextArea::ContentView::layoutSubviews() { m_cursorView.setFrame(cursorRect()); } void TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::insertText(const char * text) { int textSize = strlen(text); if (m_text.textLength() + textSize >= m_text.bufferSize() || textSize == 0) { return; } bool lineBreak = false; while (*text != 0) { lineBreak |= *text == '\n'; m_text.insertChar(*text++, m_cursorIndex++); } layoutSubviews(); // Reposition the cursor markRectAsDirty(dirtyRectFromCursorPosition(m_cursorIndex-1, lineBreak)); } void TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::removeChar() { bool lineBreak = false; if (m_cursorIndex > 0) { lineBreak = m_text.removeChar(--m_cursorIndex) == '\n'; } layoutSubviews(); // Reposition the cursor markRectAsDirty(dirtyRectFromCursorPosition(m_cursorIndex, lineBreak)); } bool TextArea::ContentView::removeEndOfLine() { int removedLine = m_text.removeRemainingLine(m_cursorIndex, 1); if (removedLine > 0) { layoutSubviews(); markRectAsDirty(dirtyRectFromCursorPosition(m_cursorIndex, false)); return true; } return false; } void TextArea::ContentView::removeStartOfLine() { if (m_cursorIndex <= 0) { return; } int removedLine = m_text.removeRemainingLine(m_cursorIndex-1, -1); if (removedLine > 0) { m_cursorIndex -= removedLine; layoutSubviews(); markRectAsDirty(dirtyRectFromCursorPosition(m_cursorIndex, false)); } } KDRect TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::cursorRect() { return characterFrameAtIndex(m_cursorIndex); } KDRect TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::characterFrameAtIndex(size_t index) { KDSize charSize = KDText::charSize(m_fontSize); Text::Position p = m_text.positionAtIndex(index); return KDRect( p.column() * charSize.width(), p.line() * charSize.height(), charSize.width(), charSize.height() ); } void TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::moveCursorGeo(int deltaX, int deltaY) { Text::Position p = m_text.positionAtIndex(m_cursorIndex); m_cursorIndex = m_text.indexAtPosition(Text::Position(p.column() + deltaX, p.line() + deltaY)); layoutSubviews(); } void TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::moveCursorIndex(int deltaX) { assert(deltaX == -1 || deltaX == 1); if (deltaX == -1 && m_cursorIndex>0) { m_cursorIndex--; } if (deltaX == 1 && m_text[m_cursorIndex] != 0) { m_cursorIndex++; } layoutSubviews(); } KDRect TextArea::TextArea::ContentView::dirtyRectFromCursorPosition(size_t index, bool lineBreak) { KDRect charRect = characterFrameAtIndex(index); KDRect dirtyRect = KDRect(charRect.x(), charRect.y(), bounds().width() - charRect.x(), charRect.height()); if (lineBreak) { dirtyRect = dirtyRect.unionedWith(KDRect(0, charRect.bottom()+1, bounds().width(), bounds().height()-charRect.bottom()-1)); } return dirtyRect; } /* TextArea */ TextArea::TextArea(Responder * parentResponder, char * textBuffer, size_t textBufferSize, TextAreaDelegate * delegate, KDText::FontSize fontSize, KDColor textColor, KDColor backgroundColor) : ScrollableView(parentResponder, &m_contentView, this), m_contentView(textBuffer, textBufferSize, fontSize, textColor, backgroundColor), m_delegate(delegate) { assert(textBufferSize < INT_MAX/2); } bool TextArea::TextArea::handleEvent(Ion::Events::Event event) { if (event == Ion::Events::Left) { m_contentView.moveCursorIndex(-1); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Right) { m_contentView.moveCursorIndex(1); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Up) { m_contentView.moveCursorGeo(0, -1); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Down) { m_contentView.moveCursorGeo(0, 1); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Origin) { m_contentView.moveCursorGeo(-INT_MAX/2, 0); } else if (event == Ion::Events::End) { m_contentView.moveCursorGeo(INT_MAX/2, 0); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Backspace) { m_contentView.removeChar(); } else if (event.hasText()) { m_contentView.insertText(event.text()); } else if (event == Ion::Events::EXE) { m_contentView.insertText("\n"); } else if (event == Ion::Events::Clear) { if (!m_contentView.removeEndOfLine()) { m_contentView.removeStartOfLine(); } } else { return false; } /* Technically, we do not need to overscroll in text area. However, * logically, we should layout the scroll view before calling * scrollToContentRect in case the size of the scroll view has changed and * then call scrollToContentRect which call another layout of the scroll view * if the offset has evolved. In order to avoid requiring two layouts, we * allow overscrolling in scrollToContentRect and the last layout of the * scroll view corrects the size of the scroll view only once. */ scrollToContentRect(m_contentView.cursorRect(), true); return true; }