#ifndef SHARED_CURVE_VIEW_H #define SHARED_CURVE_VIEW_H #include #include #include #include "curve_view_range.h" #include "curve_view_cursor.h" #include "banner_view.h" namespace Shared { class CurveView : public View { public: typedef void Model; enum class Axis { Horizontal = 0, Vertical = 1 }; CurveView(CurveViewRange * curveViewRange = nullptr, CurveViewCursor * curveViewCursor = nullptr, BannerView * bannerView = nullptr, View * cursorView = nullptr, View * okView = nullptr); virtual void reload(); // When the main view is selected, the banner view is visible bool isMainViewSelected() const; void selectMainView(bool mainViewSelected); void setCursorView(View * cursorView); void setBannerView(View * bannerView); void setOkView(View * okView); float resolution() const; protected: void setCurveViewRange(CurveViewRange * curveViewRange); // Drawing methods virtual float samplingRatio() const; constexpr static KDCoordinate k_labelMargin = 4; constexpr static KDCoordinate k_okMargin = 10; constexpr static KDCoordinate k_labelGraduationLength = 6; constexpr static int k_maxNumberOfXLabels = CurveViewRange::k_maxNumberOfXGridUnits; constexpr static int k_maxNumberOfYLabels = CurveViewRange::k_maxNumberOfYGridUnits; constexpr static KDCoordinate k_cursorSize = 25; constexpr static int k_externRectMargin = 2; float pixelToFloat(Axis axis, KDCoordinate p) const; float floatToPixel(Axis axis, float f) const; void drawLine(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float coordinate, KDColor color, KDCoordinate thickness = 1) const; void drawSegment(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float coordinate, float lowerBound, float upperBound, KDColor color, KDCoordinate thickness = 1) const; void drawDot(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float x, float y, KDColor color, bool oversize = false) const; void drawGridLines(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, float step, KDColor color) const; void drawGrid(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect) const; void drawAxes(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis) const; void drawCurve(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Model * curve, KDColor color, bool colorUnderCurve = false, float colorLowerBound = 0.0f, float colorUpperBound = 0.0f, bool continuously = false) const; void drawHistogram(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Model * model, float firstBarAbscissa, float barWidth, bool fillBar, KDColor defaultColor, KDColor highlightColor, float highlightLowerBound = INFINITY, float highlightUpperBound = -INFINITY) const; void computeLabels(Axis axis); void drawLabels(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Axis axis, bool shiftOrigin) const; virtual KDSize cursorSize(); View * m_bannerView; private: /* The window bounds are deduced from the model bounds but also take into account a margin (computed with k_marginFactor) */ float min(Axis axis) const; float max(Axis axis) const; float gridUnit(Axis axis) const; KDCoordinate pixelLength(Axis axis) const; virtual char * label(Axis axis, int index) const = 0; int numberOfLabels(Axis axis) const; virtual float evaluateModelWithParameter(Model * curve, float t) const; /* Recursively join two dots (dichotomy). The method stops when the * maxNumberOfRecursion in reached. */ void jointDots(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, Model * curve, float x, float y, float u, float v, KDColor color, int maxNumberOfRecursion) const; /* Join two dots with a straight line. */ void straightJoinDots(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float pxf, float pyf, float puf, float pvf, KDColor color) const; /* Stamp centered around (pxf, pyf). If pxf and pyf are not round number, the * function shifts the stamp (by blending adjacent pixel colors) to draw with * anti alising. */ void stampAtLocation(KDContext * ctx, KDRect rect, float pxf, float pyf, KDColor color) const; void layoutSubviews() override; int numberOfSubviews() const override; View * subviewAtIndex(int index) override; /* m_curveViewRange has to be non null but the cursor model, the banner and * cursor views may be nullptr if not needed. */ CurveViewRange * m_curveViewRange; CurveViewCursor * m_curveViewCursor; View * m_cursorView; View * m_okView; bool m_mainViewSelected; uint32_t m_drawnRangeVersion; }; } #endif