EPSILON_I18N_LANGUAGES ?= en fr es de pt include apps/shared/Makefile include apps/home/Makefile include apps/on_boarding/Makefile include apps/hardware_test/Makefile snapshots = # You can select below which apps you want to include in your build, as well as # their order on the home screen. Each Makefile below is responsible for setting # the $snapshots variable (name of the snapshot class) and the $snapshot_headers # (path to the snapshot header). include apps/calculation/Makefile include apps/graph/Makefile include apps/sequence/Makefile include apps/settings/Makefile include apps/statistics/Makefile include apps/probability/Makefile include apps/regression/Makefile include apps/code/Makefile #include apps/picview/Makefile app_objs += $(addprefix apps/,\ apps_container.o\ apps_container_storage.o\ apps_window.o\ battery_timer.o\ battery_view.o\ constant.o\ backlight_dimming_timer.o\ empty_battery_window.o\ exam_pop_up_controller.o\ global_preferences.o\ i18n.o\ led_timer.o\ lock_view.o\ main.o\ math_toolbox.o\ node.o\ shift_alpha_lock_view.o\ suspend_timer.o\ title_bar_view.o\ toolbox_node.o\ usb_timer.o\ variable_box_controller.o\ variable_box_leaf_cell.o\ ) snapshots_declaration = $(foreach i,$(snapshots),$(i) m_snapshot$(subst :,,$(i));) snapshots_construction = $(foreach i,$(snapshots),,m_snapshot$(subst :,,$(i))()) snapshots_list = $(foreach i,$(snapshots),,&m_snapshot$(subst :,,$(i))) snapshots_count = $(words $(snapshots)) snapshot_includes = $(foreach i,$(snapshot_headers),-include $(i) ) apps/apps_container_storage.o apps/main.o: CXXFLAGS += $(snapshot_includes) -DAPPS_CONTAINER_SNAPSHOT_DECLARATIONS="$(snapshots_declaration)" -DAPPS_CONTAINER_SNAPSHOT_CONSTRUCTORS="$(snapshots_construction)" -DAPPS_CONTAINER_SNAPSHOT_LIST="$(snapshots_list)" -DAPPS_CONTAINER_SNAPSHOT_COUNT=$(snapshots_count) i18n_files += $(addprefix apps/language_,$(addsuffix .universal.i18n, $(EPSILON_I18N_LANGUAGES))) i18n_files += $(addprefix apps/,\ shared.de.i18n\ shared.en.i18n\ shared.es.i18n\ shared.fr.i18n\ shared.pt.i18n\ shared.universal.i18n\ toolbox.de.i18n\ toolbox.en.i18n\ toolbox.es.i18n\ toolbox.fr.i18n\ toolbox.pt.i18n\ variables.de.i18n\ variables.en.i18n\ variables.es.i18n\ variables.fr.i18n\ variables.pt.i18n\ ) apps/i18n.h: apps/i18n.cpp apps/i18n.cpp: $(i18n_files) @echo "I18N $@" @python apps/i18n.py --header $(subst .cpp,.h,$@) --implementation $@ --locales $(EPSILON_I18N_LANGUAGES) --files $^ $(app_objs): apps/i18n.h products += apps/i18n.h apps/i18n.cpp app_images += apps/exam_icon.png # Tracking which source file uses which image is painful. But we need to ensure # that a .png file has been inlined before building any source file that uses # said image (because it will expect the ".h" file to be there). # As a shortcut, we simply say that every app file depends on every image. In # practice, this forces all the images to be before the app. app_image_objs := $(app_images:.png=.o) .SECONDARY: $(app_images:.png=.cpp) $(app_objs): $(app_image_objs) app.$(EXE): $(app_objs) $(app_image_objs) products += app.$(EXE) $(app_objs) $(call INLINER_PRODUCTS,$(app_images))