function scene6_load(), 217, 234) clouds2 = {} clouds = {} bushes = {} bigexplosions = {} playerquad = 1 if sunglasses then playerquad = 3 end playeranimationtimer = 0 starttimer = 0 birds = {} splatters = {} shakeamount = 10 fade = 0 ended = false playerx = playerx or 50 landingx = landingx or 50 landdiff = playerx-landingx scoremul = round((1-math.abs(landdiff)/80)^8*4, 1) + 1 scoretot = math.ceil(points*scoremul) stars = {} texts = {} texts[1] = "ton super score:" texts[2] = points texts[3] = "" texts[4] = "multiplicateur de cible:" texts[5] = scoremul texts[6] = "" texts[7] = "mega total:" texts[8] = scoretot prevt = 0 to = 0 totimes = {8.55, 8.8, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 11.0, 12.3, 12.9, 13.2} end function scene6_update(dt) playeranimationtimer = playeranimationtimer + dt while playeranimationtimer > 0.1 do playeranimationtimer = playeranimationtimer - 0.1 playerquad = playerquad + 1 if playerquad == 3 then playerquad = 1 elseif playerquad == 5 then playerquad = 3 end end for i, v in pairs(bigexplosions) do v:update(dt) end if starttimer >= 0.7 and starttimer - dt < 0.7 then bigexplosionsound:play() end if starttimer < 0.2 then elseif starttimer < 0.5 then fade = 1 if #explosions == 0 then table.insert(bigexplosions, bigexplosion:new(-4, -30)) table.insert(bigexplosions, bigexplosion:new(-40, -30)) table.insert(bigexplosions, bigexplosion:new(36, -30)) table.insert(bigexplosions, bigexplosion:new(-4, -50)) end elseif starttimer < 4 then if fade > 0.5 then fade = fade - dt/2 end else if fade > 0 then fade = fade - dt/2 end end if starttimer > 8.3 and starttimer - dt < 8.3 then credits:play() end if shakeamount > 0 then shakeamount = shakeamount - dt*3 end for i = 1, 9 do if starttimer > totimes[i] then to = i end end if starttimer >= 15.7 and starttimer -dt < 15.7 then ended = true staralpha = 1 stars = {}, 0, 0) for i = 1, 10 do table.insert(stars, star:new()) end end for i,v in pairs(stars) do v:update(dt) end end function scene6_keypressed(key, unicode) if ended then credits:pause() changegamestate("menu") end end function scene6_draw() local r, g, b = for i = 1, backgroundstripes, 1 do if math.mod(i, 2) == 1 then, 255, 0, math.min(1, math.max(0, 1-(starttimer-7)/2))*255) else, 0, 0, math.min(1, math.max(0, 1-(starttimer-7)/2))*255) end local pos = {31, 53} local alpha = math.rad((i/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point1 = {pos[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), pos[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)} local alpha = math.rad(((i+1)/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point2 = {pos[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), pos[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)}"fill", pos[1]*scale, pos[2]*scale, point1[1], point1[2], point2[1], point2[2]) end, g, b, 255) for i,v in pairs(stars) do v:draw() v:draw() v:draw() v:draw() end*scale, 50*scale)*scale, -50*scale) for i, v in pairs(bigexplosions) do v:draw() end draw(groundwinimg, -168-landdiff, 56), winplayerquad[playerquad], 30*scale, 55*scale, 0, scale, scale, 5, 13)*scale, 50*scale)*scale, -50*scale) for i = 1, math.min(9, to) do local s = scale/2 if i >= 8 then s = s * 2 end if i == 9 then draw(titleimg, 65, 65, 0, 0.7, 0.7, 50, 14) else properprint(texts[i], 50-tostring(texts[i]):len()*s/2, 5*i, s) end, 255, 255) end if ended and starttimer % (5/12) > (5/24) then properprint("appuie sur espace pour recommencer", 15, 50, scale/4) end end