function scene5_load(), 217, 234) clouds2 = {} for i = 1, 3 do for y = 1, 8 do table.insert(clouds2, cloud2:new(math.random()*140)) end end lastexplosion = {50, 40} starttimer = 0 flyingquad = 3 playerx = 50 playery = 20 pspeedx = 0 pspeedy = 0 birds = {} splatters = {} birdtimer = 0 flyanimationtimer = 0 shakeamount = 5 awesometimer = 0 screenx = 0 landingtime = 2 groundy = 90 landing = false end function scene5_update(dt) if starttimer < 20 then birdtimer = birdtimer + dt local birddelay = 0.5 while birdtimer > birddelay do birdtimer = birdtimer - birddelay table.insert(birds, bird:new()) end end if starttimer >= 25 and starttimer - dt < 25 then landing = true timeleft = landingtime landingx = math.random(60)+20 end if starttimer >= 25.4 and starttimer - dt < 25.4 then approach:play() end if landing then timeleft = timeleft - dt if timeleft <= 0 then timeleft = 0 groundy = groundy - 400*dt if groundy <= playery-10 then changegamestate("scene6") end end end for i,v in pairs(clouds2) do v:update(dt) end flyanimationtimer = flyanimationtimer + dt while flyanimationtimer > 0.1 do flyanimationtimer = flyanimationtimer - 0.1 if flyingquad == 3 then flyingquad = 4 else flyingquad = 3 end end if awesometimer > 0 then awesometimer = awesometimer - dt end if landing or starttimer < 24 then playermovement2(dt) else if playerx > 50 then playerx = playerx - 50*dt elseif playerx < 50 then playerx = playerx + 50*dt end if playery > 40 then playery = playery - 50*dt elseif playery < 40 then playery = playery + 50*dt end end --BIRDS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(birds) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(birds, v) --remove end --SPLATTERS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(splatters) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(splatters, v) --remove end for i, v in pairs(birds) do if v:checkcol(playerx, playery) then splat:stop() splat:play() pointsget(20) table.insert(splatters, splatter:new(v.x, v.y)) skycolor = getrainbowcolor(math.random(), 400) lastexplosion = {v.x, v.y} end end end function playermovement2(dt) if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then playerx = math.max(0, playerx-dt*movement1speed) elseif love.keyboard.isDown("right") then playerx = math.min(100, playerx+dt*movement1speed) end if not landing then if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then playery = math.max(0, playery-dt*movement1speed) elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then playery = math.min(80, playery+dt*movement1speed) end end end function scene5_draw() local r, g, b =, math.random(255), math.random(255), 100*math.min(1, (starttimer/2))) for i = 1, backgroundstripes, 2 do local pos = {playerx, playery} local alpha = math.rad((i/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point1 = {pos[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), pos[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)} local alpha = math.rad(((i+1)/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point2 = {pos[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), pos[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)}"fill", pos[1]*scale, pos[2]*scale, point1[1], point1[2], point2[1], point2[2]) end, g, b, 255) for i,v in pairs(clouds2) do v:draw() end for i,v in pairs(birds) do v:draw() end for i,v in pairs(splatters) do v:draw() end if groundy < 90 then draw(groundwinimg, -200+landingx+2, groundy) end, playerquad[flyingquad], (playerx)*scale, playery*scale, 0, scale, scale, 13, 6) if sunglasses then draw(sunglassesimg, playerx+4, playery) end if awesometimer > 0 then draw(awesomeimg, (awesometimer*2-1)*100, 0), 0, 0) properprint("1000 points!", (awesometimer*2-1)*100+3, 73, scale), 255, 255) end if starttimer > 24 then if math.mod(starttimer*5, 2) >= 1 then, 0, 0) properprint("atteri sur la cible !", 0, 20, scale/1.5), 255, 255) end end if landing then draw(arrowimg, math.max(8, landingx-(timeleft/landingtime)*80), 67, 0, 1, 1, 8) draw(arrowimg, math.min(91, landingx+(timeleft/landingtime)*80), 67, 0, -1, 1, 9) end end function scene5_action() if not sunglasses then sunglasses = true awesometimer = 1 pointsget(1000) sunglassessound:play() end end