function love.load()"nearest", "nearest") require "class" require "menu" require "cloud" require "cloud2" require "bush" require "scene1" require "scene2" require "scene3" require "scene4" require "scene5" require "scene6" require "laser" require "enemy" require "explosion" require "bigexplosion" require "splatter" require "powerup" require "rocket" require "star" require "asteroid" require "bullet" require "bird" require "socket.http" require "socket.url" changegamestate("menu") end function love.update(dt) if skipupdate then skipupdate = false return end sunrot = sunrot + dt*50 starttimer = starttimer + dt if scoreanim < 1 then scoreanim = scoreanim + (1-scoreanim)*8*dt end if laserdelay > 0 then laserdelay = math.max(0, laserdelay-dt) end shake = math.random()*shakeamount*2-shakeamount if _G[gamestate .. "_update"] then _G[gamestate .. "_update"](dt) end --LASERS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(lasers) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(lasers, v) --remove end end function pointsget(i) points = points + i scoreanim = 0 rainbowi = math.random() shakeamount = 10 end function love.draw()*scale, 40*scale)*scale, -40*scale)*scale/4, shake*scale/4) if _G[gamestate .. "_draw"] then _G[gamestate .. "_draw"]() end if gamestate ~= "menu" and gamestate ~= "scene6" and not landing then local r, g, b = unpack(getrainbowcolor(rainbowi)) local ar = r + (255-r)*scoreanim local ag = g + (255-g)*scoreanim local ab = b + (255-b)*scoreanim, ag, ab) local s = scale*0.5+(1-scoreanim)*10*0.4) properprint("score: " .. points, 2, 2, s)*0.4) end*scale/4, -shake*scale/4)*scale, 40*scale)*scale, -40*scale) if fade > 0 then, 255, 255, 255*fade)"fill", 0, 0, 100*scale, 80*scale), 255, 255, 255) end end function love.keypressed(key, unicode) if key == 'escape' then love.event.quit() end if _G[gamestate .. "_keypressed"] then _G[gamestate .. "_keypressed"](key, unicode) end if key ~= "left" and key ~= "up" and key ~= "right" and key ~= "down" then if _G[gamestate .. "_action"] then _G[gamestate .. "_action"](key) end end end function love.keyreleased(key, unicode) if _G[gamestate .. "_keyreleased"] then _G[gamestate .. "_keyreleased"](key, unicode) end end function changegamestate(i) gamestate = i print("-- " .. gamestate) if _G[gamestate .. "_load"] then _G[gamestate .. "_load"]() end end function draw(drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) if not sx then sx = 1 end if not sy then sy = 1 end, x*scale, y*scale, r, sx*scale, sy*scale, ox, oy, kx, ky ) end function round(num, idp) --Not by me local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function properprint(s, x, y, sc) local sc = sc or scale local startx = x local skip = 0 for i = 1, string.len(tostring(s)) do if skip > 0 then skip = skip - 1 else local char = string.sub(s, i, i) if fontquads[char] then, fontquads[char], x*scale+((i-1)*8+1)*sc, y*scale, 0, sc, sc) end end end end function round(num, idp) --Not by me local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function getrainbowcolor(i, whiteness) local whiteness = whiteness or 255 local r, g, b if i < 1/6 then r = 1 g = i*6 b = 0 elseif i >= 1/6 and i < 2/6 then r = (1/6-(i-1/6))*6 g = 1 b = 0 elseif i >= 2/6 and i < 3/6 then r = 0 g = 1 b = (i-2/6)*6 elseif i >= 3/6 and i < 4/6 then r = 0 g = (1/6-(i-3/6))*6 b = 1 elseif i >= 4/6 and i < 5/6 then r = (i-4/6)*6 g = 0 b = 1 else r = 1 g = 0 b = (1/6-(i-5/6))*6 end local add = 0 if whiteness > 255 then add = whiteness-255 end return {math.min(255, round(r*whiteness)+add), math.min(255, round(g*whiteness)+add), math.min(255, round(b*whiteness)+add), 255} end