rocket = class:new() rocketspeed = 300 maxrocketspeed = 100 function rocket:init() self.x = 115 self.y = 60 self.r = 0 self.speedx = 0 self.ground = true self.startingoffset = 0 self.thrusttimer = 0 thrusts = {} machinegundelay = 0 self.explosiondelay = 0 self.explosiontimer = 0 end function rocket:update(dt) if self.ground then if self.x > 50 then self.x = self.x - dt*50 if self.x < 50 then self.x = 50 end end else self.startingoffset = (math.random()*2-1)*0.5 end if self.starting then self.startingtimer = self.startingtimer + dt self.startingoffset = (math.random()*2-1)*2 if self.startingtimer > 2 then self.y = self.y - dt*5 self:thrusts(dt) end if self.startingtimer > 7 then self.y = self.y + dt*50 if self.y > 70 then self.starting = false self.y = 70 changegamestate("scene3") self.inflight = true end end end if self.inflight then if love.keyboard.isDown("right") and self.x < 100 then self.speedx = self.speedx + dt*rocketspeed elseif self.speedx > 0 then self.speedx = math.max(0, self.speedx - dt*rocketspeed) end if love.keyboard.isDown("left") and self.x > 0 then self.speedx = self.speedx - dt*rocketspeed elseif self.speedx < 0 then self.speedx = math.min(0, self.speedx + dt*rocketspeed) end self.speedx = math.min(maxrocketspeed, math.max(-maxrocketspeed, self.speedx)) self.x = self.x + self.speedx*dt if self.x > 100 then self.x = 100 elseif self.x < 0 then self.x = 0 end self.r = self.speedx/200 if #pressedkeys > 0 then machinegundelay = machinegundelay + dt while machinegundelay > machinedelay do self:fire() machinegundelay = machinegundelay - machinedelay end end if wheatleytimer then wheatleytimer = wheatleytimer + dt*2 wheatleyr = wheatleyr + dt*10 if wheatleytimer >= 0.95 and wheatleytimer - dt*2 < 0.95 then table.insert(explosions, explosion:new(self.x-20, self.y-20)) rocketimg ="graphics/rocketkaputt.png") changegamestate("scene4") self.hit = true self.inflight = false end end end shakeamount = self.startingoffset*3 if self.hit then wheatleytimer = wheatleytimer + dt*2 wheatleyr = wheatleyr + dt*10 if wheatleytimer < 4 then if self.r > 0 then self.r = self.r - dt else self.r = self.r + dt end else if self.r < math.pi*0.9 then self.r = self.r + dt starmover = -self.r self.y = self.y - dt*20 if self.x > 10 then self.x = self.x - dt*10 elseif self.x < 10 then self.x = self.x + dt*10 end end end self.explosiontimer = self.explosiontimer + dt while self.explosiontimer > self.explosiondelay do self.explosiontimer = self.explosiontimer - self.explosiondelay self.explosiondelay = math.random(100)/300+0.1 table.insert(explosions, explosion:new(self.x-16+math.random(16)-8, self.y-20+math.random(16)-8)) end self.startingoffset = self.startingoffset*10 end --THRUSTS local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(thrusts) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(thrusts, v) --remove end end function rocket:fire() local outx = -math.sin(self.r) * -14 + self.x local outy = math.cos(self.r) * -14 + self.y table.insert(bullets, bullet:new(outx, outy, self.r)) end function rocket:thrusts(dt) --if you know what I mean self.thrusttimer = self.thrusttimer + dt local delay = 0.01 while self.thrusttimer > delay do self.thrusttimer = self.thrusttimer - delay table.insert(thrusts, thrust:new(self.x-6, self.y+10)) table.insert(thrusts, thrust:new(self.x, self.y+10)) table.insert(thrusts, thrust:new(self.x+6, self.y+10)) end end function rocket:start() self.starting = true self.ground = false self.startingtimer = 0 end function rocket:checkcol(x, y) if math.abs(self.x-x) < 16 and math.abs(self.y-y) < 16 then return true end return false end function rocket:draw() local r, g, b = for i, v in pairs(thrusts) do v:draw() end, g, b) draw(rocketimg, self.x+self.startingoffset, self.y, self.r, 1, 1, 15, 16) if wheatleytimer then if wheatleytimer <= 0.95 then draw(wheatleyimg, self.x-20*(1-wheatleytimer/1), self.y-120*(1-wheatleytimer/1), wheatleyr, 1, 1, 8, 9) else draw(wheatleyimg, self.x-20*(1-0.95/1)-(wheatleytimer-0.95)*200, self.y-120*(1-wheatleytimer/1)+(wheatleytimer-0.95)*20, wheatleyr, 1, 1, 8, 9) end end end function rocket:wheatleyattack() wheatleytimer = 0 wheatleyr = 0 space:play() end --THRUST thrust = class:new() function thrust:init(x, y) self.x = x self.y = y self.starty = rockets[1].y self.dir = (math.random()*2-1)*0.4+math.pi/2 + rockets[1].r self.speed = 40 = 1 end function thrust:update(dt) self.x = self.x + math.cos(self.dir)*self.speed*dt self.y = self.y + math.sin(self.dir)*self.speed*dt = - dt if <= 0 then return true end end function thrust:draw(), 255, 255, 255*"fill", self.x*scale, self.y*scale+(rockets[1].y-self.starty)*scale, scale, scale) end