function scene4_load() backgroundwhite = 0 staralpha = 1 asteroids = {} bullets = {} starttimer = 0 alerttimer = 0 flyingquad = 3 pspeedx = 0 pspeedy = 0 playerx = nil flyanimationtimer = 0 end function scene4_update(dt) if secondtimer then secondtimer = secondtimer + dt end for i, v in pairs(stars) do v:update(dt) end --EXPLOSION local delete = {} for i, v in pairs(explosions) do if v:update(dt) == true then table.insert(delete, i) end end table.sort(delete, function(a,b) return a>b end) for i, v in pairs(delete) do table.remove(explosions, v) --remove end if rockets[1] then rockets[1]:update(dt) end if (starttimer > 0 and starttimer < 3) or alerttimer > 0.1 then alerttimer = math.mod(alerttimer + dt*7, math.pi*2) end if jumped then if rockets[1] then rockets[1].x = rockets[1].x - dt*3 end if rockets[1] and secondtimer > 2 and secondtimer - dt <= 2 then for i = 1, 20 do if explosions then table.insert(explosions, explosion:new(rockets[1].x-16+math.random(16)-8, rockets[1].y-20+math.random(16)-8)) end end starmover = math.pi rockets[1] = nil end playerx = playerx + pspeedx*dt playery = playery + pspeedy*dt if pspeedx > 0 then pspeedx = pspeedx - dt*5 end if playery >= 20 then playery = 20 pspeedy = 0 end if playerx >= 50 then pspeedx = 0 playerx = 50 end if secondtimer > 2 then local i = math.max(0, (1-(secondtimer-2)/2)) staralpha = math.max(0, (1-(secondtimer-2)/2))*i*(1-i), 217*(1-i), 234*(1-i)) if shakeamount < 5 then shakeamount = math.min(5, shakeamount+dt*3) elseif shakeamount > 5 then shakeamount = math.max(5, shakeamount-dt*3) end end if secondtimer > 4 then changegamestate("scene5") end end if starttimer >= 4.3 and starttimer - dt < 4.3 then playerx = rockets[1].x+4 playery = rockets[1].y end if jumped then flyanimationtimer = flyanimationtimer + dt while flyanimationtimer > 0.1 do flyanimationtimer = flyanimationtimer - 0.1 if flyingquad == 3 then flyingquad = 4 else flyingquad = 3 end end end end function scene4_draw() local r, g, b =, math.random(255), math.random(255), 255*(1-scoreanim)) for i = 1, backgroundstripes, 2 do local alpha = math.rad((i/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point1 = {lastexplosion[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), lastexplosion[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)} local alpha = math.rad(((i+1)/backgroundstripes + math.mod(sunrot/100, 1)) * 360) local point2 = {lastexplosion[1]*scale+200*scale*math.cos(alpha), lastexplosion[2]*scale+200*scale*math.sin(alpha)}"fill", lastexplosion[1]*scale, lastexplosion[2]*scale, point1[1], point1[2], point2[1], point2[2]) end, g, b, 255) for i,v in pairs(stars) do v:draw() end if playerx then local off = 0 if rockets[1] then off = rockets[1].startingoffset end, playerquad[flyingquad], (playerx+off)*scale, playery*scale, 0, scale, scale, 13, 6) end if rockets[1] then rockets[1]:draw() end for i, v in pairs(explosions) do v:draw() end if (starttimer > 0 and starttimer < 3) or alerttimer > 0.1 then local i = math.abs(math.sin(alerttimer)), 0, 0, i*100)"fill", 0, 0, 100*scale, 80*scale), 0, 0, i*255) draw(alertimg, 50+math.random(5)-3, 40+math.random(5)-3, (math.random()*2-1)*0.1, i*0.5+0.6, i*0.5+0.6, 54, 15) draw(randomshitimg, 50+math.random(20)-10, 40+math.random(20)-10, 0, 1, 1, 50, 42) end if starttimer > 4 and not jumped then, 0, 0, math.random(255)) properprint("saute!!", 0, 40, scale*2) end end function scene4_action() if starttimer > 4.3 and not jumped then jumped = true secondtimer = 0 pspeedx = 20 pspeedy = 2 end end